Thursday, August 11, 2011

5 Rules for Parents

As I pulled into my driveway a few days ago with a trunk full of groceries, BBC radio was reporting a new study that suggests “5 rules parents should follow for happier children.” I listened for an extra minute but with my melting ice cream in mind, I reluctantly turned the news off before they made their five points.   Ahhh, how much easier it would be if I had a parenting “rule-book!”
As I unpacked, I thought about the 5 rules I think parents should follow.  Here’s my list (in the order they popped into my head): 
1) Let them know that your love is an unconditional love.
2) Endeavor to be fully present (Don’t multi-task your parenting). 
3) Spend unstructured, unplanned time with them.
4) Let them spend unstructured, unplanned time alone. (Let them be bored.)
5) Take time to nurture mind and soul.
Not surprisingly, Jewish tradition has a lot to say about both good parenting and rules! This Fall Boston- area parents are invited to explore the intersection of Judaism and good parenting - and nurture your mind and soul - in the ten week course, “Parenting Through a Jewish Lens.”
I am thrilled that, for the first time, this course is being offered at a private home in Sharon, and even more thrilled that I will be serving as the instructor. It’s going to be a local collaboration with Temple Sinai, Temple Israel, Sharon-Stoughton Hadassah, Kehillah Schecter Academy (formerly SASSDS) and SAJE (the South Area Jewish Educational Collaborative and Hadassah cosponsoring.  Starting the week of October 24th,  class will meet on Monday evenings at 7:30 for an hour and a half.

What “5 rules” would make your list? Post them here.

Rabbi Julie Zupan will be teaching the Sharon Parenting Through a Jewish Lens class this fall.

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